Telecentric Measurement System TM-X5000 series

Silhouette-Based Analysis for Guaranteed Accuracy

Fast and accurate inline measurement.

  • Calibrated high-speed measurement
  • Resistant to target misalignment
  • Simple configuration, advanced capability

TM-X5000 series - Telecentric Measurement System

TM-X5000 Series telecentric measurement systems provide fast and accurate measurement by capturing the silhouette of a target. The dual telecentric optical systems provid...e reliable results inline by delivering focused images over a large depth of field. This design, in combination with the low-distortion lenses and proprietary algorithms, enable accurate measurements anywhere in the field of view, eliminating the need for precise target placement, external lighting, or even on-site calibration. The user-friendly system can be configured in 3 simple steps and includes over 100 tools for measurement and inspection, including: GD&T, master comparison, and defect distance detection.


  • Lead Frame Dimensions

  • Shaft Diameter and Foreign Particle Detection

  • Measurement of Needle Tips

  • Tool Runout/Positioning



Large ø120 mm Field of View Model Now Available

Max. field of view of conventional models: ø65 mm Max. field of view of new model: ø120 mm

There are 4 models that can be selected based on the requirements of the application from the compact and ultra-high precision model with a diameter of 6mm to the ultra-wide field of view model with a diameter of 120mm.

Accurate Even with Misaligned Targets

The dual telecentric optical system—with telecentric lenses in the transmitter and receiver—ensures sharp edges without sacrificing accuracy even for misaligned targets.
This technology enables stable measurement in a large depth of field (+/- 20 mm), providing a robust solution for inline measurement.

Guaranteed Accuracy Throughout
the Field of View

Pre-calibrated, low-distortion system provides reliable results

Low-distortion lenses are combined with KEYENCE's proprietary algorithm to enable accurate measurement without concern for precise target positioning or specialised lighting. In addition, calibration certificates are available upon request.

Simple Configuration, Advanced Capability

Easy-to-use measurement tools for simplified setup

Take advantage of more than 100 tools that can be mixed and matched for a wide range of inline inspections, including dimensional measurements, GD&T, master comparisons, and defect distance measurement.