Compact Fan Static Eliminator

SJ-LF series

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Compact Fan Static Eliminator SJ-LF series

An Ultra-compact Fan
Static Eliminator That Can Make Static Electricity Visible

SJ-LF series - Compact Fan Static Eliminator

Small, easy-to-mount static eliminator that features visible feedback indicating whether a target has a static charge or not. The target area will light orange when stati...c is present and green when absent. Easy installation and low-cost make this an ideal solution for troublesome areas.


Visualising Light: Static Electricity is Visible

Confirm if static was eliminated from any angle. Check operation without any additional sensors and easily reduce the problems caused by static electricity.

Static electricity present


Static electricity absent


Smallest in Class: Fits in the Palm of Your Hand

The SJ-LF is small enough to be mounted anywhere, enabling it to be retrofit into existing equipment or installed in tight spaces where conventional static eliminators won't fit.

Easy Installation

Dedicated mounting brackets make installation simple and quick.
Two types of dedicated mounting brackets are available for adjustment of the ion blowing direction. Use these brackets for easy installation with no need to manufacture a jig.

Tabletop securing bracket

Adjustable bracket